
French Beauty Salad

lemon, french beauty salad, healthy recipe

2 spoonfuls of oat-flakes;
6 spoons of cold boiled water;
3 spoons of cold boiled milk;
1 spoon of sugar;
1 large apple;
fresh juice out of one lemon.

Fill up oat-flakes with water and leave them for an hour. In an hour add grated apple, milk and sugar. 

Squeeze the juice out of one lemon and add it to your salad.

French beauty salad is ready now. Beauty salad contains a lot of mineral matters, vitamin B, vitamin C and organic acids. Moreover, raw oat-flakes improve work of intestine. This salad is good for supper or breakfast.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

Swiss Diet

milk, protein diet, swiss diet
This diet plan was worked out in compliance with directions of a well-known Swiss dietitian.

A characteristic feature of Swiss Diet is a large amount of protein (meat, eggs, cheese). That is why only a completely healthy person can apply this diet plan.

During a day eat:

200-300g of boiled or stewed lean meat or fish;
2 eggs;
0,5 litre of milk;
50g of sugar;
50g of cheese or curd;
100-150g of rye-bread;
100g of potato or mealy garnish;
50g of butter;
Fruit and vegetables but pears and plums.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


Hypocaloric Diet

dried fruits, dried apricots, hypocaloric diet
Dried Fruits

Do not read this article if you want to lose weight lying on the sofa eating hamburgers with cola-LIGHT. Because this post is about low-calorie diet with minimum of fats and carbohydrates.

Remember that the integral part of this diet plan is active way of life (for example, fitness).The diet should be not only hypocaloric but it should also has a balanced level of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, liquid, cellulose, vitamins and mineral matters.

The main principles of the diet plan are:
- the limitation of calorie content;
- the limitation of fats;
- the limitation of liquid and carbohydrates;
- the limitation of salt;
- the enrichment of ration with vitamins and minerals matters;
- the enrichment of ration with cellulose.

Duration: 14 days

Weight Loss: 2,5 kg.

Food Value: 1100 - 1300 kcalories.
2000 kcalories per day – is a norm for an active woman (women usually have slower metabolism).
2500 kcalories per day – is a norm for an active man. 1500 kcalories per day – is what our body requires for normal functioning.

People with tendency to corpulence should repeat this diet again in 2 or 3 weeks.
Here is an example of hypocaloric diet plan. If you want you can work out your own menu with the help of food value table.

Hollywood Diet

Grapefruit, Hollywood Diet, Weight Loss
Hollywood Diet is of one of the most well-known diets ever.

Duration: 18 days.

Characteristic feature of Hollywood Diet is the limitation of sugar, fat and salt usage. Food is prepared without fat, sugar and flour. Bread is totally excluded. Your meals consist mainly of eggs, meat, vegetables and fruits (only grapefruits and pineapples).

Caloric content: 1000 calories.

Ideal Weight

Ideal Weight, healthy weight, weight calculator
Ideal Weight
We all want to be slim, attractive and healthy. Yes, … HEALTHY! That`s why when dieting don`t overdo. As soon as you get your normal weight, stop dieting and just lead a healthy way of life maintaining your normal weight. And don`t forget to consult a doctor before using any diet and stick to all the rules of the diet.

So, what is your NORMAL weight?

Your Height (in centimeters) - 100 = Your Normal Weight (in kilograms).

For example: 

170cm -100 = 70 kg

Now calculate your IDEAL weight.

For women: Your Normal Weight - 15% of it = Your Ideal Weight

For men: Your Normal Weight - 10% of it = Your Ideal Weight

For example:

1) 70kg * 15 / 100 =10,5

2) 70kg – 10,5 = 59,5kg

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

Rapid Weight Loss is Dangerous

Cake with fruits, weight loss, rapid diet
This opinion is correct.

Too rapid weight loss can lead to a baneful influence on your organism. The optimal solution is to plan your dieting for several months. 

REMEMBER that weekly weight loss should not exceed one kilogram.

What should I do to lose weight and to maintain it?

- EVERY DAY remind yourself  of why you want to grow thin.
- Be a strong–willed and persistent person.
- Use low-caloric food.
- Don`t eat sweeties.
- Limit the usage of fats.
- Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.
- Limit the consumption of bread to the minimum (100-150g a day).
- Limit the consumption of fats (20-30g a day).
- Eliminate the usage of strong drinks.
- Go in for sports or, at least, do morning exercises.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


Grapefruit and Hard Boiled Egg Diet

Grapefruit diet, egg diet, lose weight, mono diet
This diet is a classic mono-diet with eggs and citrus fruits combination.

The general scheme: eat 7 hard boiled eggs (sometimes only egg-white) and 7 grapefruits (sometimes oranges) during a day with 1,5 hour intervals.

Dieting 1 week you can lose 7 kg of fat.

ATTENTION: Don`t diet more than 1 week. One week is the maximum duration of this diet!  The best solution is to use this egg and grapefruit combination as the replacement of only one food intake during the day.

Do not forget to drink water (2-3 liters during the day). Supplement your diet with sport activities.

Egg – is an excellent source of vitamins, essential amino acids, fats and mineral matters. However, it is the yolk that contains the major part of all these useful matters. That is why you should eat some raw yolks a day in order to avoid the deficiency of nutritive material.

As far as cholesterol is concerned, one egg usually contains about 300mg of cholesterol. And our daily norm is 500mg. However, do not forget that our body assimilates only 2% of this necessary material from the external sources. That is why several yolks a day cannot increase your level of cholesterol too much.

Grapefruit - is an excellent low-calorie source of vitamin C as well as any other citrus fruits.

Thus, the combination of eggs and grapefruits (oranges, tangerines) is a great natural vitamin-mineral complex with low richness, low calorie content, substantial and palatable.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

Drinking Too Much Water after Meal Results in Overweight

drinking water to lose weight, overweight
This opinion is incorrect.

Of course, sweet drinks such as pepsi, cola, soda or fruit juice can make us put on weight. Water does not contain calories but meal washed down with water  “passes through” easier and desire to eat more appears again.

Our organism needs 1,5 - 2 litres of water a day. But be careful not to make water your enemy!

Drink it BEFORE your meal (for example, when you get up in the morning) or before going to sleep. 

Remember that one glass of water 20 minutes before your main meal abates the feeling of being hungry.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


Food Restriction Leads to Weight Loss

food restriction, china food, dieting, lose weight
China Food
This opinion is incorrect. 

A norm is three meals a day in certain intervals of time. If you miss one food intake, the other one will be more abundant. Since our organism is unable to burn out the increased amount of calories, it puts them aside in the form of fat.

The experiments on rodents showed that regular food intake (three times a day) didn`t influence their weight. And those rodents who were given the same amount of food but once a day put on weight very quickly.

If we have to renounce one food intake, the calories should be distributed evenly on the other food intakes. And try to drink more water during the day.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

Fruit Not Likely to Put Weight on Us

fruits to lose weight, orange mandarin, lemon, pomegranate
This opinion is incorrect. 

All fruit contain sugar. Especially grapes, bananas and dried fruits. However, when dieting we should consume a certain amount of fresh fruit because of vitamins, minerals and cellulose.

Try to chose fruits which are less sweet: water-melon, grapefruit, peach, strawberry or raspberry.

Remember that an apple eaten between your main meals “cheats” your hunger.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following  advice!


Aerobics is Harmful for Your Heart

aerobics, fitness to lose weight
This opinion is incorrect. 

An aerobics class doesn`t overload the work of a healthy heart. However, everything should be balanced. The methodical and moderate aerobics trainings will  increase your lung capacity and strengthen your heart.

Attention: aerobics is strictly forbidden for people with a weak heart!

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice! 

Diet Plan for Gastritis

How can we lose weight  having  problems with our stomach?

This article can give you the answer to this question.

In most cases people don`t pay attention to the way they eat. Because of such  irresponsible treatment the whole organism can suffer and your stomach first of all.

The process of weight loss is slow because the quicker your kilograms are melting, the greater stress your organism has. Any stress increases the probability of gastritis and gastric ulcer


Say YES to dairy produce. It protects the mucous membrane of stomach from any damage. That`s why drink tea with milk, cacao with milk or cream, whole milk, unsour kefir, yoghurt or clabber. (ONLY 1,5–2% fat content).

Proteins – are very necessary for cells building. It is irreplaceable for the cells of our stomach, too. Our task is to provide the daily norm of proteins. It is almost  impossible to do without the use of dietary products rich in proteins: fresh unsour non-fat cottage cheese, lean beef, chicken breasts and boiled fish.

Vitamin E protects stomach cells from muriatic acid influence. Its source is vegetable oil. But be careful, it is rich in calories. 1–2 tea-spoons of vegetable oil per day is enough.

The source of vitamin B are groats. It should be boiled and added to your main meal. You can use any groats but pearl barle, peeled barley and millet. Maximum vitamins – buckwheat and oatmeal; minimum – farina.

cherries, vitamin c, diet plan for gastritis
The source of vitamin C are berries and fruit of sweet sorts. Necessarily purge them from grains and skin. But the vitamins from these fruits are not enough. That`s why drink the decoction of dog-rose every day.

Eat slowly. Chew carefully. Thus, the satiation center in our brain has time to snap into action. Moreover, the well chewed food will be better saturated with gastric juice and better assimilated. Thus, stomach does not have to produce muriatic acid additionally. 

Limit the use of alcohol and spiceries. They are rich in calories and stimulate the appetite and gastric juice production. Especially harmful are pepper, karri and garlic.

Physical activity

Any physical activity is useful: jogging, walking, swimming, wheeling. Aerobics is  especially effective with the elements of belly dance. Belly dance helps to massage the internals and stomach walls are provided with blood and oxygen. Consequently, probability of gastritis diminishes.

Example of Diet Plan:

Breakfast: 1 soft boiled egg, crumbly buckwheat porridge (150g) and 1 cup of  tea with milk without sugar.
Lunch: fresh unsour non-fat cottage cheese (150g) and decoction of dog-rose (1 cup).
Dinner: vegetarian soup boiled on water from potato, cauliflower and carrot (200ml), boiled meat (150g) and compote from boiled dried fruits(1 glass).
Snack: one baked apple.
Supper: boiled fish (150g), one baked or boiled potato mashed with 1 tea-spoon of olive oil and 1 cup of tea with milk without sugar.
Before going to sleep: 1 glass of milk or non-fat unsweet yoghurt.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or followong advice!

Physical Exercise Helps to Lose Weight

Count the calories, grapefruit, grape, nuts
Physical Exercise to Lose weight
This opinion is incorrect because we need to burn down 8000 calories to whip off one kilogram. 

And 25 minutes of physical trainings burn down only 300 calories. So, just count. But it doesn`t mean that physical exercises are useless. It is a great thing in addition to your main diet course.

Moreover, it makes our sleep deeper, improves our immune system, helps to increase our blood circulation and increase our energy level.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

Sauna Helps to Lose Weight

Sauna to lose weight
This opinion is incorrect.

Of course, sauna helps to take 1-2 litres of water out of your organism but the feeling of being thirsty fill us back with water.

Sauna is a salutary procedure which clears our  skin, removes toxins and makes us feel relaxed.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


California Diet

fruit, oranges, apples, lemons, supermarket
Calofornia Diet is a diet which is followed by many celebrities from Hollywood.

Among people follwing this diet I know, most of them lost about 2-5 kg after the 5th day of dieting. 

You may have 1-3 five-day cycles in a row. The followers promise that after the 15th day of diet you will lose 15kg.

Maximal duration of california diet - 15 days.


So, if you have chosen this diet to grow thin lay in supplies for first five days. You don`t need a lot. 

So, the products this diet contains are:

10 oranges, 1 litre of kefir/yoghurt, 1 pickled cucumber, 250g of the frozen vegetables (to boil), 120g of boiled meat, 125g non-fat curd, 200g of ham, 1 apple, 3 pieces of boiled sausage, 8 tomatoes of medium size, 6 eggs and 21 slices of dry toasts.

Breakfast: Every day your breakfast is the same - 1 orange, 2 dry toasts and 1 cup of coffee/tea without sugar (or with sweetener).


Diet on the Cheap

diet on the cheap, cheese, parsley, unexpensive diet
Are you still convinced that it is very expensive to be slim? You are wrong! It is as easy as ABC. Do you want to lose 3-5 kilos for 10 days without damage to your health? Yes?
Ok, this diet is for you!

First of all, remember well some basic points:

Proteins are vitally important elements which are very necessary for our organism. It is much more better and cheaper to buy one good  piece of meat than to spend money on “synthetic” sausage every day.
Don`t forget about other inxpensive products containing proteins: eggs, curd and legumes.
Don`t mix together proteins and fats in one meal. For example,  there is enough fat in eggs themselves therefore don`t use butter to fry them.
Use a small amount of soy-bean sauce instead of salt to dress your dish.
Have your last food intake not later than 20.00.
Drink 1,5-2 liters of mineral water without gas or filtered boiled water per day.
Restrict the usage of coffee (without milk and sugar) to no more than two cups a day.
Don`t use sugar at all while dieting.

How can you afford some pleasure to you?

If you want to eat something sweet, eat one table-spoon of honey, one lobule of chocolate and three pieces of dried apricots or one piece of  prunes.
There is no need to eliminate the usage of alcohol completely.  One glass of wine or beer once in three days will not be  harmful.

Cleansing Diet

cleansing diet, fruit
Duration – 1 week.

Perpouse - cleaning the organism from toxins, stimulation of intestine work, vitamin addition and weight loss.

The ration contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals and  a lot of cellulose. Undigested fibres activate incineration of fats and purge the organism from the harmful products of matabolism.The cleansing diet also stabilizes  sugar level in blood. And of course, this cleansing diet will help you to lose fat.

A Rule: During a week drink no less than 2 litres of  liquid per day. Before going to sleep drink a glass of kefir, yoghurt or ryazhenka.

Forbidden products: fat meat; white bread and pastry; macaroni products and groats (except for oatmeal); fat whole milk, curd and yoghurt with additions; sugar and sweeties; alcohol.

Recommended products: lean meat; fish; all vegetables and fruits; oatmeal; unfat milk, yoghurt, curd and cheese; vegetable oil (corn, olive or sunflower).


Magic Diet

pineapple, magic diet, extreme diet
Duration: 3 days.

Result: from 3 to 5 kg

Magic diet is a rather extreme diet to lose weight. There is a great food limitation and the amount of vitamins and microelements is taken to minimum. That is why specialists do not advise to repeat the diet more than once per month. However, the duration is short and results are impressive.

REMEMBER: Magic Diet  befits only healthy women. It is forbidden for people with  gastroenteric diseases and for future or feedings mothers.

1-st Day

Breakfast - Soft boiled egg.

Dinner - 175g of non-fat curd and a cup of tea without sugar.
Snack - The same as dinner.
Supper - 200g of salad made of grated carrot, apples and celery root.


Moderate Diet for Weight Loss

bell pepper, green pepper, sweet pepper, red pepper
Duration:  14 days

Weight Loss: 3 - 5 kg

This diet is for people who cannot stand extreme and fanaticism. That is why they  will never agree to take part in a long dietary marathon. They will also never agree to have a short exhausting dieting distance. They prefer a golden mean — 14-days diet. It allows to whip off superfluous weight not too quickly and not too slowly.

This diet is really moderate. There are no extreme food restrictions. That’s why you don`t have to starve.


The main rule  - a taboo to eat high-calorie products (adiposes, simple carbohydrates).
Drink 1,5 - 2 litres of liquid per day. (Avoid fizzy water. Give preference to herbal tea and hips broth).
Use spicery or herbaceous seasoning instead of salt.
Food must be warm. This will improve food assimilation.


Сheese Helps to Avoid Infarction

cheese, eggs, infraction
Cheese and Eggs
American scientists have discovered that daily use of hard cheese helps to reduce the risk of infarction to minimum. How this tasty food can protect us from heart problems? Researchers assert that cheese has a beneficial effect on  human organism because of  a large quantity of calcium, potassium and magnesium. These mineral matters decrease arterial pressure and, thus, prevent the appearance of heart attack. Remember that only high-quality cheese possesses therapeutic properties.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


The Elixir of Youth with Cocoa Taste

cocoa, elixir of youth

American scientists have come to the conclusion that hot cocoa can be the elixir of youth. They have discovered that cocoa-powder is rich in polyphenols (organic  phytogenic compounds, which are powerful antioxidants). Moreover, cocoa is 2 times richer in polyphenols  than red wine and 3 times richer than  green tea. That is why one or two cups of hot cocoa a day are capable to protect a human organism from destroying action of free radicals. In other words, this elixer can  slow down the aging process. Futhermore, this tasty drink is a prophylaxis against cancer, infarction and stroke.

Remember that cocoa which is contained in cakes or chocolate is not useful because it is not devoided of saturated fat.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!