
Rapid Weight Loss is Dangerous

Cake with fruits, weight loss, rapid diet
This opinion is correct.

Too rapid weight loss can lead to a baneful influence on your organism. The optimal solution is to plan your dieting for several months. 

REMEMBER that weekly weight loss should not exceed one kilogram.

What should I do to lose weight and to maintain it?

- EVERY DAY remind yourself  of why you want to grow thin.
- Be a strong–willed and persistent person.
- Use low-caloric food.
- Don`t eat sweeties.
- Limit the usage of fats.
- Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.
- Limit the consumption of bread to the minimum (100-150g a day).
- Limit the consumption of fats (20-30g a day).
- Eliminate the usage of strong drinks.
- Go in for sports or, at least, do morning exercises.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

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