
Diet on the Cheap

diet on the cheap, cheese, parsley, unexpensive diet
Are you still convinced that it is very expensive to be slim? You are wrong! It is as easy as ABC. Do you want to lose 3-5 kilos for 10 days without damage to your health? Yes?
Ok, this diet is for you!

First of all, remember well some basic points:

Proteins are vitally important elements which are very necessary for our organism. It is much more better and cheaper to buy one good  piece of meat than to spend money on “synthetic” sausage every day.
Don`t forget about other inxpensive products containing proteins: eggs, curd and legumes.
Don`t mix together proteins and fats in one meal. For example,  there is enough fat in eggs themselves therefore don`t use butter to fry them.
Use a small amount of soy-bean sauce instead of salt to dress your dish.
Have your last food intake not later than 20.00.
Drink 1,5-2 liters of mineral water without gas or filtered boiled water per day.
Restrict the usage of coffee (without milk and sugar) to no more than two cups a day.
Don`t use sugar at all while dieting.

How can you afford some pleasure to you?

If you want to eat something sweet, eat one table-spoon of honey, one lobule of chocolate and three pieces of dried apricots or one piece of  prunes.
There is no need to eliminate the usage of alcohol completely.  One glass of wine or beer once in three days will not be  harmful.

1st Day

Breakfast: pearl-barley boiled in water without butter – 200g.
Lunch: a glass of kefir.
Dinner: vegetable soup – 300g and 2 slices of rye bread.
Supper: one boiled egg and a salad made of fresh cabbage, carrot, onion and apples – 200g.

2nd Day

Breakfast: boiled rice without butter – 200g.
Lunch: one boiled egg.
Dinner: vegetable soup – 300g and 2 slices of rye bread.
Supper: a glass of kefir and a salad made of fresh cabbage, onion and apples – 200g. 

3rd Day

Breakfast: one boiled egg.
Lunch: a glass of kefir.
Dinner: vegetable soup – 300g and 2 slices of rye bread.
Supper: boiled buckwheat without butter – 200g and a salad made of fresh cabbage, carrot, onion and apples – 200g.

4th Day — unloading

Breakfast: grated apple and carrot with 1 tea-spoon of olive oil  — 150g.
Lunch: a glass of kefir.
Dinner: vegetable soup – 300 and 1 sandwich (rye bread with mild cheese, tomato and verdure).
Supper: 1 grapefruit and dietary curd — 150g.

5th Day — meat

Breakfast: grated apple and carrot with 1 tea-spoon of olive oil  — 150g and 1 boiled egg.
Lunch: one glass of kefir.
Dinner: chicken noodle soup — 300g and a salad made of fresh cabbage, carrot, onion and apples – 200g.
Supper: boiled filleted chicken without skin — 150g, 1 slice of rye bread and 1 table-spoon of catchup. 

6th Day — vegetarian

Breakfast: oaten flakes with pieces of fresh banana and apple dressed with 1 tea-spoon of olive oil — 200g.
Lunch: one glass of apple juice.
Dinner: light tomato soup — 300g, 2 slices of rye bread and  stewed champignons —150g.
Supper: boiled buckwheat with stewed vegetables — 200g.

7th Day — fish

Breakfast: oaten flakes with pieces of fresh banana and apple dressed with 1 tea-spoon of olive oil — 200g.
Lunch: a glass of kefir.
Dinner: fish in creamy sauce — 250g and 1 slice of rye bread.
Supper: filet of lightly salted herring — 150g and potatoes boiled in their jackets —150g. 

8th Day — vegetarian

Breakfast: grated apple and carrot with 1 tea-spoon of olive oil  — 200g.
Lunch: one glass of apple juice.
Dinner: light tomato soup — 300g and a sandwich (rye bread with mild cheese, tomato and verdure).
Supper: grated beet with vegetable oil and nuts (50g) — 250g and 2 slices of bread. 

9th Day — meat

Breakfast: oaten flakes with pieces of fresh banana and apple dressed with 1 tea-spoon of olive oil — 200g.
Lunch: a glass of kefir.
Dinner: grilled meat with vegetables — 250g.
Supper: baked potatos with vegetable oil and sauerkraut — 250g.

10th Day — sweet

Breakfast: grated apple and carrot with 1 tea-spoon of olive oil  — 150g and one boiled egg.
Lunch: organic yoghurt or pudding — 125g.
Dinner: vegetable soup – 200g, 1 slice of rye bread and pilau with dried fruits — 200g.
Supper: 1 table-spoon of honey or 10-15g of bitter chocolate.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

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