
Foods That Strengthen Blood Vessels

A heart-healthy diet that focuses upon lowering cholesterol can furthermore proclaim intensify blood vessels, reports a 1998 article in "American Family Physician." This type of diet emphasizes foods such as omega-3 fatty acids from fish, monounsaturated fats from olive oil and nuts, and soluble fiber from beans, vegetables and similar grains. You can admit this diet a step supplementary and pick from a variety of accumulation foods that contribute to hermetically sealed blood vessels.

Blood Vessel Basics
The mannerism to save your blood vessels hermetic is to save the endothelium healthy. The endothelium is the lump of cells that lines the inside of your blood vessels. This lining fills valuable roles, from maintaining the tell of vessel walls to regulating immune and inflammatory responses. The endothelium helps modulate blood flow and forms an anticoagulant barrier, which contains blood still allows it to flow without clotting. A damaged endothelium triggers medical problems such as hardening of the arteries.

Foods That Increase Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide relaxes muscles in blood vessel walls, which makes it easier for blood to flow and lowers your blood pressure. It with stops blood cells from understanding. As a result, nitric oxide helps prevent blood clots and protects vessel walls by keeping them unquestionable and alert. Youll further details the amount of nitric oxide in your system by eating foods that contain nitrate and the amino acids arginine and citrulline because your body uses them to create nitric oxide. You'll profit nitrates from beets and green leafy vegetables, though watermelon is the best unconventional for citrulline. Fish, thin meat, well-ventilated vegetables, garlic and mass grains present arginine.

Foods High in Antioxicants
Antioxidant flavonoids in blueberries augmented blood vessel operating in healthy men, reported a psychoanalysis in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in November 2013. Flavonoids in dark chocolate impression endothelial health and admission vessel stiffness, according to a fable in a psychotherapy in the British Journal of Nutrition in February 2014. You'll get hold of same flavonoids from grapes, apples and option berries. Vitamin E is choice antioxidant to append in your diet. It protects lipoproteins from strange by molecules called set set lighthearted radicals. Lipoproteins carry cholesterol through your blood and forgive the cholesterol following they'on the subject of damaged, which harms the blood vessel. The best sources of vitamin E membership almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, avocado, sunflower oil and safflower oil.

Foods That Decrease Homocysteine
Folate, vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12 have one job in common: They forward uphill read the amount of homocysteine in your blood. Homocysteine is an amino trenchant your body converts into accessory beneficial substances, but this without help happens along along along along in addition to these B vitamins are doable. Without folate, vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12, levels of homocysteine addition, which causes problems for your blood vessels. Homocysteine can broken the endothelium and extraction the risk of blood clots, according to FamilyDoctor.org. You can acquire all three from fortified cereals and grains. Otherwise, green leafy vegetables are packed taking into account folate, vitamin B-6 is found in bananas, potatoes and chicken, and vitamin B-12 comes from animal products.


Casserole With Cauliflower - Low Calorie Healthy Recipe

Casserole With Cauliflower - Low Calorie Healthy Recipe


Cauliflower - 200 g
Broccoli - 200 g
1% milk - 300 ml
Flour - 1 tbsp.
Low-fat cheese - 40 g
Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
Salt and pepper

Wash the vegetables and divide into florets.
Boil the cabbage and broccoli in salted water for about 3 minutes. Remove them and put into a baking dish.On a dry frying pan fry lightly the flour. Then pour it into the pan and add the butter and mix.
Add warm milk, salt and pepper to taste and stir again. Put on the fire, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes. Pour this sauce into the vegetables. Sprinkle the dishwith grated cheese. And bake it in the oven until golden brown at 220 degrees.


Yoghurt Ice Cream With Avocado and Cucumber

That is the recipe of a low calorie dessert. That is fantastic, to eat something tasty
for a dessert and don`t care about the calories. And not to be afraid to gain weight.

You should try this and you will like that as well =)

This ice cream has a remarkable and surprisingly fresh taste. It is prepared according to the classical technology of home sorbet. It should be mixed at least three times during the nine hours. That is to get rid of ice. In such a way the ice cream will not have  the unpleasant crunch on the teeth.


Avocado 1 piece
Sugar 75 g
Vanilla sugar 1 tablespoon
Cucumbers 1 piece
Lime juice 6 tablespoons
Dessert yogurt 150 g

Cut avocado into small cubes.

One large or two small cucumbers should be peeled and cut into cubes, too.

Put avocado and cucumbers into the bowl of a blender.

Add the lime juice. Beat until smooth.

Add the usual sugar and vanilla sugar, and mix everything one more time. Then add the yogurt and mix the mixture into the air mass. Transfer the mixture into the container and put into the freezer for nine hours. Every three hours the mixture should be mixed thoroughly with a fork or whisk blender to get rid of the ice crystals.

Half an hour before eating the ice cream, put it to the refrigerator. The ice cream must be soft enough that it could be easily taken with a spoon.

This ice cream can be combined with honey or white chocolate. It can also be sprinkled with walnuts or pistachios.


Squash Lasagna Recipe for Low-Calorie Diet

This Healthy Recipe is useful and dietary.
Preparation time 40 minutes
Total 71 kcal


Squash  - 500 g (1 pc)
Tomatoes (large) - 2 pcs
Сottage cheese - 150 g
Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc
Dill - 1 bunch
Garlic - 1 clove
Grated mozzarella (or suluguni) - 50 g
Olive oil - 2 tsp

Squash should be peeled and cut into thin plates.
Wash the peppers and cut into strips.
Chop the herbs and squeeze the garlic through the press.
The casserole dish should be greased with olive oil. Then put a layer of chopped squash.Then put a layer of chopped peppers. Mix cottage cheese with herbs and garlic. Put pepper on the top. And again repeat the layers, put zucchini, tomato, pepper and cheese layer.The last layer is the layer of squash sprinkled with grated mozzarella.Place the lasagne in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for 25-30 minutes.


Purgation of Blood-Vessels with the Help of Lemon and Horseradish

On the walls of blood vessels may be deposited inorganic salts and other deposits. Because of these deposits the atherosclerotic plaques can be formed in the blood vessels. The blood vessels lose flexibility and elasticity. The vessels are constantly supplying oxygen and nutrients to all the organs and cells of our body. Contamination of blood vessels can lead to many diseases.

There is a good way for purgation of blood vessels. The receipe is very easy and healthy.

Take the following ingredients to clean the vessels,. Take two hundred and fifty grams of horseradish, the same amount of lemon and garlic. Grind everything in a meat grinder and add to this mixture the same amount of cool boiled water. Leave this medication for purgation of blood-vessels in the refrigerator for a day. Drink one tablespoon of half an hour before a meal three times a day.

Consult a doctor before using this recipe!


Purgation of Blood Vessels With the Help of Clover

In spring there is an opportunity to prepare a vitamin drink that is very useful, especially for those whose age has already crossed the threshold of forty.

At this age, the blood vessels start getting older very rapidly. Because they can not cope with the pressure of the cholesterol that is ingested with the meat and fatty foods. And in order to facilitate the work of the vessels I suggest drinking the drink made of clover.

Pour 1 cup boiling water into one 1 tea spoon of dried clover heads and boil for 5 minutes in a water bath, infuse 40 minutes, filter and take 1 tbsp. 4-5 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The course of treatment - 21 days, followed by 7 days off. Perform 3 of the course.

For example, I have all summer long drink this clover drink. With the help of this healthy drink, not only the blood vessels are purified but also it helps to become more calm and the heart pressure returned to normal.


Cleansing of Blood Vesseld With the Help of Herbs

Recipes for cleaning the blood vessels with the help of folk remedies are also good for the purification of the stomach, liver, kidneys and improve the metabolism. Take chamomile, yarrow, immortelle, birch buds - one hundred grams each. Mix these ingredients.

In the evening, you need to fill five hundred milliliters of boiling water into the mixture of herbs. Take one tablespoon of this mixture. Let it stay for twenty minutes and then strain the broth through a cloth. Not gauze. Press. Two hundred milliliters of broth drown one teaspoon of honey and drink this part before going to bed.  Don`t eat or drink after that.

What remains of the broth must be filled with boiling water, to insist on a water bath. Then put one teaspoon of honey into this water and drink twenty minutes before eating in the morning. Eat according to this scheme every day until the broth is over. It must be kept in a tightly closed jar. Five years later, repeat the purification of the blood vessels again.


Honey Syrup, Garlic and Lemon for Purgation of Blood Vessels

To prepare the  curative syrup against cholesterol plaques you need to take six lemons, four heads of garlic and 350 ml of liquid honey. Garlic and lemon you should prepare with the method describedin the previous post about Preventive Cleaning of vessels. Then you should add the honey and fill with clean water up to the top. All mix well, cover and leave at room temperature for at least ten days. The Ready syrup for cleaning the blood vessels you should strain through a sterile gauze, pour into a convenient sealed container and put into the refrigerate.

It is a wonderful tool that works more smoothly, so it can be safely taken even by people with capricious stomach. One table spoon of syrup dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water youshould drink on an empty stomach early in the morning and then again late in the evening before bedtime.

Whichever way of vascular cleaning at home you choose, keep in mind that the process will go faster if you take the drug is in the morning, immediately after waking up. And then during the day it is recommended to drink at least four glasses of pure water, preferably with the addition of fresh lemon juice.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


Preventive cleaning of vessels

Preventive cleaning of vessels - is an event that will be useful not only for older people suffering from hypertensive disease or atherosclerosis. All of these illnesses can and must be prevented in youth and adulthood, especially if you live in adverse environmental conditions, have over weight, and often complain of feeling unwell, headaches, chronic fatigue. Clean, healthy blood vessels - is the key to good blood supply of all organs and, therefore, guarantee of good health.

Take the 4 heads of garlic and 4 strong ripe lemon. Divide the garlic, wash
the lemons and cut into pieces, without removing the peel from the lemons. Mix evrything in the blender into a homogeneous mass, put in a three-liter glass jar, then pour cool boiled water to the top. Close the lid and put in a dark cool place for 3 days. Every day, shake the contents of the cans. When the infusion is ready, strain it through several layers of sterile gauze, pour into a clean bottle with a tight lid and store in refrigerator.

People who are not suffering from severe chronic diseases and not complaining of digestive problems, are recommended to take half a cup of this infusion three times a day for 20 minutes before eating. If you are in poor health and stomach problems, take an infusion for purgation of vessels 3 tablespoons immediately before a meal.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!