
A Salad for Your Nervous and Immune Systems

feijoas, salad for immune system, nervous system

                      100g of daikon radish
                       5 feijoas
                      1 sour apple
                      3 table-spoons of peeled purified cedar nuts
                      1 table-spoon of olive oil
                      1 table-spoon of lemon juice
                      1 tea-spoons of honey
Feijoa, apple and radish should be peeled. Grate an apple together with radish at one stroke and pour it with lemon juice. Cut feijoa into slices. Mix all the ingredients together. Add honey and oil. Srew with nuts.
This salad is rich in vitamins. First of all thanks to daikon radish. This root vegetable has a diuretic action, improves digestion and metabolism. It also intensifies bile outflow  and reduces the level of cholesterol in blood. Moreover, this dish contains vitamin C (lemon and  feijoa), vitamin E and indispensable fatty acids (olive oil and cedar nuts). Honey has a salutary effect on your nervous and immune systems. It reduces the risk of atherosclerosis appearance, brings into a healthy state the gastrointestinal tract and  normalizes the reproductive function.
Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


Anaesthetic from the Vegetable Garden

broccoli, vegetables
Do you often have a headache or belly-ache?
Besides medicines, vegetables and fruit can help you, too. Broccoli and spinach contain vitamin B.  People who suffer from pain syndrome have the lack of this vitamin. These vegetables also contain magnesium  which  helps to relax your smooth musculature and  remove stress. The chemical agents stimulate the formation of neuromediator of serotonin. They improve your sleep and mood.
Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

The Anesthetizing Menu

spinach, anesthetizing menu, painkiller
Dieticians have developed a diet which serves as a painkiller. Thus if the illness is accompanied with pain, eat green vegetables (broccoli, spinach and cabbage). They contain a complex of  B-vitamins and magnesium. They also stimulate formation of natural analgesic.
Salmon or cod-liver (10-12g daily) can reduce pain, too.  But you should cut down the use of corn or sunflower-seed oil, margarine, ice-cream and whole milk.
Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


Diet and Premenstrual Syndrome

diet and premenstrual syndrome, fruits
Diet can ease the premenstrual syndrome! During these days eat more vegetables, fruit and groats (oat, buckwheat, millet, rice, etc.). American dietologists have discovered that it is important to limit the quantity of fat in the ration before your menstruation. You should also exclude the beverages which contain caffeine (coffee, strong tea or cola).
Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


Eat Juicy Melon and Lose Flesh

melon, melon diet
A pleasant melon therapy will help you to lose weight and clean your body. Moreover, the diet is very simple. Eat 2 kg of melon pulp every day dividing it  into 5-7 food intakes. Follow this scheme during one week. Furthermore, besides melon you can eat whatever you want. But remember: regale on juicy melon in 2-3 hours after your meal supplementing a meal with 1/2 glasses of  melon juice. Make juice from melon peel! It is peel that contains most of the valuable minerals.
Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


Banana Paradise

bananas, banana diet, 7 days diet
You must have heard that being on a diet you can eat any fruit but bananas. Bananas are really rich in carbohydrates (that’s why they are rather nutritious) and almost deprived of cellulose (powerful stimulator of intestine activity). Nevertheless, the banana diet is widely used: for adiposity treatment, insufficiency of blood circulation, hypertonic illness, diseases of liver and biliary tracts. The diet is considered to be strict, therefore you are strongly recommended to consult a doctor.
The usual scheme is 1,5 kg of peeled bananas per day. This amount of bananas is divided in five food intakes at regular intervals of time. Caloric content of such diet is 1335,0 kcal. Thus in your stomach gets 327,0 g carbohydrates, 22,5 g fibers and 1,5 g fats. You can drink water (mineral, without gas) and green tea without sugar. The maximal duration of a “banana life” — seven days. Minimal — three days. 
Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


Purgation of Blood-Vessels

raisins, dried apricots, lemon, walnuts, honey
Mix together raisins, dried apricots, honey, lemon, and walnuts taken equally. Everything being chopped into small pieces. Eat this delicious mixture 3 times a day 30 minutes before your meal and the last time – before going to bed.
Consult a doctor before using this recipe!


Grow Thin with Red Wine!

red wine, lose weight with red wine
British dieticians have developed a diet allowing to grow thin without strong restriction on food. The system is simple. Just a lot of vegetables, olive oil and fish baked on coal. But the main  point of the diet is  that you should have a glass of red wine (only ONE!) each time you have a meal.
Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


Rice Diet

rice diet, rice, chinese food
Have you ever thought why rice is the basic meal of 2/3 population of the Earth? This culture gives stable crop, the grain can be kept for a long time and it is easily cooked. Moreover, rice is very health-giving.

This new rice diet allows us to lose weight gradually but quickly enough and to maintain it.  Rice, being a source of complex carbohydrates, makes us feel full for a long period of time.

Rice cellulose is swelling in the stomach. Then it is moving in the intestines imbibing slags and removing them from your body. Remember!!! Use ORGANIC rice.

It is not necessary to follow this diet strictly. Moreover, try to diversify it so that the organism could receive useful materials. Try to drink up to 2 liters of water a day (mineral water, tea, fresh juice). One more advice to make rice fulfill its task is to forget about salt. The duration of a diet is 14 days. To hold the results of this diet just make up one “rice day” per week.


Asian Diet

green tea, asian diet

Asian women do not exhaust themselves by dieting.  Why they are so slim and graceful?  We will try to betray their secret.

1-st day and 3-rd day

Breakfast — green tea and 100g of rice with 1 tea-spoon of soya sauce.
Dinner — 2 hard-boiled eggs. Salad made of sea kale and cucumber dressed with vegetable oil. A glass of tomato juice.
Snack — 2 cups of black tea (add 1/2 tea-spoon of ginger powder and 2 tea-spoons of honey into a teapot).
Supper —fried or boiled fish and one apple.
Advice:  Try to take this diet not as a trial but as a game.  Just imagine that you are on your summer vacation in Asia. To make it more realistic use chopsticks instead of spoons and forks.


Five-Day Diet

apples, lose weight fast, five-day diet

This diet is strict but very effective. Don`t worry if a dress doesn`t fit you in size. You can lose of 5kg during only 5 days.

Buy 1 package of freshly milled coffee, 5 eggs, 5 large apples, 5 fleshy tomatoes, 5 pieces of melted cheese, several pods of paprika or 5 cucumbers, 1kg of non-fat cottage cheese, 1 bottle of good red wine and mineral water.

Eat nothing but this food. Don`t eat sugar and salt.

10 a.m. – a cup of black coffee and one piece of melted cheese.
12 p.m. – an egg with tomato.
2 p.m. -  one apple.
4 p.m. - 200g of cottage cheese with fresh cucumber or paprika.
8 p.m. – one wine-glass.

Drink water as much as you want. You will have the feeling of hunger only during the first day of your dieting.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


Dieting after Great Party

margarita, dieting after party

In the season of holidays you cannot stop eating tasty and delicious festive dishes. But after the holidays we have to work hard to lose weight again. Just don`t panic! There is a special diet plan which will help you. But don`t use this diet more than three days on end because it contains few calories and few necessary nutrients.


Perfect Metabolism

perfect metabolism, apple, lose weight

1-st Day              I Want some Meat!

BREAKFAST – a cup of black coffee without sugar with one cracker.
DINNER - 2 hard-boiled eggs and 1 tomato.
SUPPER – lettuce and a big beefsteak fried in a small amount of vegetable oil.


Grapefruit Juice Diet

grapefruit, grapefruit diet

Grapefruit contains the substances which can burn fat. There are several kinds of this diet, duration of which is 7 days, and all of them are low-cal (800-1000 calories per day). You will lose about 4 -5 kg. Grapefruit diet is well balanced and contains a large quantity of vitamins and mineral matters. Citrus fruit is rich in vitamin C that is why you will not only lose excess weight but also will be able to resist many illnesses. Moreover, vitamin C is vitally necessary for our skin cells. The regular use of grapefruit will help you get the necessary dose of this vitamin.


Well-Balanced Diet

fruit, well-balanced diet, healthy food

Duration: 30 days.
Weight loss: 5-7 kg.

This diet is for people whose aim is a stable result. That`s why it is rather a well balanced feed system which everybody, who wants to lead a healthy way of life, should follow. This diet has minimum of food restrictions. That means that your organism will not feel a deficiency in vitamins and other necessary microelements. But eating one meal a day is not a good way to lose weight. Eat frequently, at regular times and in small portions. Well-Balanced diet is the best way to become more healthy. Moreover, this diet does improve your hair.


The Lemon Juice Diet

lemon, lemon diet

You will be surprised how simple this diet is. You just follow the main 7 principles, lose weight and become more healthy.

Dietitians acknowledged that a lemon is the best way to lose weight.  A secret is that a little sour fruit has a  salutary influence on our digestive system. Combined with physical exercises and healthy eating it will help to grow thin. Besides, lemons are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin improves the immunity in winter time and hastens the process of convalescence of allergy, tuberculosis and rheumatism.

A Diet to Improve Your Hair

hair brush, food for beautiful hair

Beautiful hair is, first of all,  healthy hair. But to have your hair as beautiful and soft as silk you should eat well.
Fish, poultry, fatless meat, eggs, nuts and legumes contain proteins which provide growth of hair. Moreover, these products are rich in copper. It is copper that takes part in pigmentation and prevents the appearance of grey hair and dandruff.