
French Beauty Salad

lemon, french beauty salad, healthy recipe

2 spoonfuls of oat-flakes;
6 spoons of cold boiled water;
3 spoons of cold boiled milk;
1 spoon of sugar;
1 large apple;
fresh juice out of one lemon.

Fill up oat-flakes with water and leave them for an hour. In an hour add grated apple, milk and sugar. 

Squeeze the juice out of one lemon and add it to your salad.

French beauty salad is ready now. Beauty salad contains a lot of mineral matters, vitamin B, vitamin C and organic acids. Moreover, raw oat-flakes improve work of intestine. This salad is good for supper or breakfast.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

Swiss Diet

milk, protein diet, swiss diet
This diet plan was worked out in compliance with directions of a well-known Swiss dietitian.

A characteristic feature of Swiss Diet is a large amount of protein (meat, eggs, cheese). That is why only a completely healthy person can apply this diet plan.

During a day eat:

200-300g of boiled or stewed lean meat or fish;
2 eggs;
0,5 litre of milk;
50g of sugar;
50g of cheese or curd;
100-150g of rye-bread;
100g of potato or mealy garnish;
50g of butter;
Fruit and vegetables but pears and plums.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!


Hypocaloric Diet

dried fruits, dried apricots, hypocaloric diet
Dried Fruits

Do not read this article if you want to lose weight lying on the sofa eating hamburgers with cola-LIGHT. Because this post is about low-calorie diet with minimum of fats and carbohydrates.

Remember that the integral part of this diet plan is active way of life (for example, fitness).The diet should be not only hypocaloric but it should also has a balanced level of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, liquid, cellulose, vitamins and mineral matters.

The main principles of the diet plan are:
- the limitation of calorie content;
- the limitation of fats;
- the limitation of liquid and carbohydrates;
- the limitation of salt;
- the enrichment of ration with vitamins and minerals matters;
- the enrichment of ration with cellulose.

Duration: 14 days

Weight Loss: 2,5 kg.

Food Value: 1100 - 1300 kcalories.
2000 kcalories per day – is a norm for an active woman (women usually have slower metabolism).
2500 kcalories per day – is a norm for an active man. 1500 kcalories per day – is what our body requires for normal functioning.

People with tendency to corpulence should repeat this diet again in 2 or 3 weeks.
Here is an example of hypocaloric diet plan. If you want you can work out your own menu with the help of food value table.

Hollywood Diet

Grapefruit, Hollywood Diet, Weight Loss
Hollywood Diet is of one of the most well-known diets ever.

Duration: 18 days.

Characteristic feature of Hollywood Diet is the limitation of sugar, fat and salt usage. Food is prepared without fat, sugar and flour. Bread is totally excluded. Your meals consist mainly of eggs, meat, vegetables and fruits (only grapefruits and pineapples).

Caloric content: 1000 calories.

Ideal Weight

Ideal Weight, healthy weight, weight calculator
Ideal Weight
We all want to be slim, attractive and healthy. Yes, … HEALTHY! That`s why when dieting don`t overdo. As soon as you get your normal weight, stop dieting and just lead a healthy way of life maintaining your normal weight. And don`t forget to consult a doctor before using any diet and stick to all the rules of the diet.

So, what is your NORMAL weight?

Your Height (in centimeters) - 100 = Your Normal Weight (in kilograms).

For example: 

170cm -100 = 70 kg

Now calculate your IDEAL weight.

For women: Your Normal Weight - 15% of it = Your Ideal Weight

For men: Your Normal Weight - 10% of it = Your Ideal Weight

For example:

1) 70kg * 15 / 100 =10,5

2) 70kg – 10,5 = 59,5kg

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

Rapid Weight Loss is Dangerous

Cake with fruits, weight loss, rapid diet
This opinion is correct.

Too rapid weight loss can lead to a baneful influence on your organism. The optimal solution is to plan your dieting for several months. 

REMEMBER that weekly weight loss should not exceed one kilogram.

What should I do to lose weight and to maintain it?

- EVERY DAY remind yourself  of why you want to grow thin.
- Be a strong–willed and persistent person.
- Use low-caloric food.
- Don`t eat sweeties.
- Limit the usage of fats.
- Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.
- Limit the consumption of bread to the minimum (100-150g a day).
- Limit the consumption of fats (20-30g a day).
- Eliminate the usage of strong drinks.
- Go in for sports or, at least, do morning exercises.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!