
The Lemon Juice Diet

lemon, lemon diet

You will be surprised how simple this diet is. You just follow the main 7 principles, lose weight and become more healthy.

Dietitians acknowledged that a lemon is the best way to lose weight.  A secret is that a little sour fruit has a  salutary influence on our digestive system. Combined with physical exercises and healthy eating it will help to grow thin. Besides, lemons are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin improves the immunity in winter time and hastens the process of convalescence of allergy, tuberculosis and rheumatism.

It is the citric acid  that stimulates digestion and flow of gastric juices. Even a small piece of lemon can reduce the risk of increasing level of blood sugar.

Pectin which is contained in lemon peel is able to muffle your feeling of hunger for 4 hours . Pectin has a fibrous structure. In stomach it is turned into a viscous gel which envelops the walls of intestine. Thus it doesn`t allow the organism to absorb  sugar too quickly.

It doesn`t mean that you have to eat only lemons. You can have whatever you want. Just  see to include at least some table-spoons of lemon juice (or some lemon pulp) per day.

7 magic principles of dieting:

1. Every morning drink lemon juice with warm water. Drink about 6-8 glasses of water per day. Avoid having coffee, tea and soda.

2. Eat no more than five portions of vagetables and fruits per day. It will strengthen your immunity system, improve the balance of hormones, calm down the nervous system and withdraw the fats and toxins out of your body.

3. Control the balance of sugar in blood. Just sprinkle a little lemon juice on food and the level of sugar will be diminished on 30%.

4. Avoid food with a high content of sugar (wheat bread, rice, potato and corn-flakes). It is better to use natural sugar (nuts or seed).

5. Use unsaturated fats which are very useful and necessary to lose weight. They detain the inflow of carbohydrates in blood and thus maintain a low level of insulin and sugar in your organism. Avoid using saturated fats contained in red meat, pies and cookies.

6. Use more crude raw products like beans and lentil. It contains a lot of fibres. That is why it will allow to slow down the process of transformation of carbohydrates into glucose.

7. Eat slowly. Chew food thoroughly. Have each meal at regular times.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

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