
Perfect Metabolism

perfect metabolism, apple, lose weight

1-st Day              I Want some Meat!

BREAKFAST – a cup of black coffee without sugar with one cracker.
DINNER - 2 hard-boiled eggs and 1 tomato.
SUPPER – lettuce and a big beefsteak fried in a small amount of vegetable oil.

2-nd Day            Tasty Soup!

BREAKFAST -  a cup of black coffee without sugar with one cracker.
DINNER -  a big beefsteak fried in a small amount of vegetable oil. Lettuce, one steamed tomato and carrot.
SUPPER - vegetable soup, a cracker and one cup of green tea.

3-rd Day            Green Wealth!

BREAKFAST – a cup of black coffee without sugar with one cracker.
DINNER – a big beefsteak fried in a small amount of vegetable oil. Lettuce and 1 tomato.
SUPPER - 2 hard-boiled eggs, 2 slices of low-fat ham, lettuce and a cup of green tea with mint.  

4-th Day             Fruit Mix!

BREAKFAST – a cup of black coffee without sugar with one cracker.
DINNER - 1 egg, grated carrot with 1 tea-spoon of vegetable oil and 100g of cheese.
SUPPER - fruit salad made of kiwi fruit, strawberries, banana and grapes. A glass of kefir and a cracker.

5-th Day             What about Fish?

BREAKFAST - grated carrot with 1 tea-spoon of vegetable oil and 1 tea-spoon of lemon juice.
DINNER – one portion of fried fish and one tomato.
SUPPER – a big beesteak and lettuce.

6-th Day             Fried Chicken!

BREAKFAST – a cup of black coffee without sugar with one cracker.
DINNER – lettuce and one portion of chicken cooked on a grating in the oven.
SUPPER – a big beefsteak, lettuce and a cup of green tea.

7-th Day             The Choice is for You!

BREAKFAST – a cup of green or black tea without sugar with one cracker.
DINNER – grilled low-fat pork, lettuce and one tomato.
SUPPER - at your option. But the portion should be small.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

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