
Honey Syrup, Garlic and Lemon for Purgation of Blood Vessels

To prepare the  curative syrup against cholesterol plaques you need to take six lemons, four heads of garlic and 350 ml of liquid honey. Garlic and lemon you should prepare with the method describedin the previous post about Preventive Cleaning of vessels. Then you should add the honey and fill with clean water up to the top. All mix well, cover and leave at room temperature for at least ten days. The Ready syrup for cleaning the blood vessels you should strain through a sterile gauze, pour into a convenient sealed container and put into the refrigerate.

It is a wonderful tool that works more smoothly, so it can be safely taken even by people with capricious stomach. One table spoon of syrup dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water youshould drink on an empty stomach early in the morning and then again late in the evening before bedtime.

Whichever way of vascular cleaning at home you choose, keep in mind that the process will go faster if you take the drug is in the morning, immediately after waking up. And then during the day it is recommended to drink at least four glasses of pure water, preferably with the addition of fresh lemon juice.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

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