
Stuffed Cabbage with Veal

feijoa, stuffed cabbage withh veal


Ingredients: 700g of cabbage
         500g of veal
         300g of feijoa
         300g of quince
         250g of large onion
         100g of boiled rice
         50g of prunes
         3 twigs of verdure (coriander, tarragon, celery, basil)
         salt and pepper

Mince veal. Add  pounded verdure and prunes. Mince everything again. Add salt, pepper and mix with boiled rice. Boil cabbage leaves in water (5-7 minutes). Cool them and wrap the mixture up into the cabbage leaves. Lay the cabbage rolls out into the saucepan and cover with onion rings, slices of feijoa and quince. Then lay another portion of rolls above. Cover the rolls with water. Stew till readiness (1 -1,5 hours) on a slow fire. Don`t forget to put down the lid.
Veal contains protein, zinc, iron and the vitamin B12. Regular usage of this meat will improve the state of your nails, hair, skin and color of face. Prunes and cabbage will improve the colonic propulsion because of the high content of vegetable fiber. Quince will enrich the organism with phosphorus, boron, aluminum, nickel, titanium and copper.

Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

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