
Healthy Fruit Feijoa

feijoa, healthy feijoa fruit


100 g of this exotic berry contains about 30 mg of easily assimilated iodine which has a wholesome influence on the work of thyroid gland. It improves memory and concentration of attention.
It contains a lot of malic acid which stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. This whets the appetite and improves food digestion.
A great amount of pectins will help to get rid of cholesterol, heavy metals and radionuclides.
Feijoa also improves gut organisms.
There is folic acid in feijoha, too. That is why this fruit can help to overcome anemia, depression and dysbolism.
Feijoha contains 13% of fructose which is converted into glucose in liver and does not require the production of insulin.
Potassium is necessary for the normal work of muscles, especially heart.
Consult a doctor before using any diet or following advice!

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